So. I have joined Twitter. Which I disparagingly referred to as Twatter before I signed up to see what was going on with the Qld Premier’s Awards fracas and stepped into a crowd of smouldering writers of withering wit, and couldn’t understand why I hadn’t done it before. Here were my people! Such clever, funny, witty writers having convos with each other, posting wry merriment and links aplenty to interesting articles, and (cutely) going a bit nuts during qanda. It was like Facebook but with brains. It was recommended that I shouldn’t sign up while I was writing because it was distracting. To a degree, that was useful advice. However, while I spent two lonely weeks glued to my desk doing a rewrite of my novel while all my friends were cavorting on their Easter hols, Twitter saved me from going mad. There were other writers out there, also stapled to a table, also checking Twitter in their tea breaks! That made me feel better.
While Stephen Marche charts the ambivalence towards social media in this article, I wholeheartedly endorse it. But then, I’m deaf and rarely use the phone, so Facebook is how I keep up with my friends. Likewise, as someone who finds it difficult to network (also because of said deafness), and isn’t properly affiliated with an academic institution though I still inhabit the academic world, Twitter is probably the first time I’ve ever felt connected to a community of thinkers and writers.
Should you be of the feathered kind, or if you’re new to Twitter and would like to take flight with the flock, I can be followed here: @ladyredjess, or click the link at the top right of this page.